4 Reasons to Hire a PR Agency to Rank on Page One

4 Reasons to Hire a PR Agency to Rank on Page One
-Securing DA: 90+ Backlinks is a Job for PR Experts, Not Digital Marketers-
Getting on page one of Google can make or break your business. Getting backlinks from high authority sites is the most challenging aspect of any SEO strategy. Too often, this is farmed out to digital marketers, when in fact, PR experts are the most qualified people to achieve this goal.
Backlinks and content are two of the most important SEO factors to rank on page one of Google. Unfortunately, 90.6% of content gets zero traffic, according to Ahrefs. One reason can be traced to organizational charts. In most companies, backlinks fall under the SEO umbrella which then ladders up to marketing departments.
On the surface this makes sense. However, marketing experts do not possess the skills or relationships to get a reporter from a DA: 90+ website to write a story that links back to your website. At least not consistently.
The best person for this is a lifelong PR expert who pitches these national reporters every day. Unfortunately, when most PR people here the term ‘domain authority’ they think you are speaking French. But if you find one that “gets it” you will have a secret weapon and an edge over your competition.
Prism PR Agency today released 4 Reasons to hire a PR Agency for SEO Link Building after securing more than 10,000 high DA backlinks since 2019.
- Create Timely Content (Not Evergreen): A growing trend in digital marketing circles is to create “evergreen” content for media to use anytime, so links flow in passively year-round. While good in theory, PR experts know the best pitches are timely. Accounting firms should pitch around tax day, diamond ring companies around Valentine’s Day, and green companies around Earth Day. In the 24-hour news cycle, the key is to strike while the iron is hot and create an annual content calendar that makes everything timely.
- Capitalize Quickly on Big News of the Day: A savvy way to get links from national outlets is to capitalize on big news. If you are a business consultant, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a report that a record number of business have opened, closed, succeeded, or failed in the last year, this is an enormous opportunity for DA: 90+ links. In these instances, time is of the essence, and if you meander you will miss the boat. PR people are trained from day one to spring into action immediately when news drops.
- Media Outreach Should be Targeted Yet Comprehensive: To maximize backlinks, you want to create a story angle that appeals to national media, trades in your vertical, and local media. Content around state rankings can be very successful. For example, US News created rankings around the Best States for the Economy. This would appeal to national outlets like the New York Times, trades like Harvard Business Review, and the Houston Chronicle will want to know where Texas ranks.
- Media Training for Executives: Great content gets picked up by media outlets as is, but many times a reporter will want to interview an executive. If the content has loads of third-party data, the executive who did not write the content and is not close to the data may wish to decline, which would lose the backlink. A PR person can train the executive to deftly handle these interviews to secure the link and get positive traditional PR coverage for the executive and the brand.
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